Six Essential Factors That Reflects A Great School System

In this era where educational competition is rising with each passing day, many private as well as public schools come into view. In order to have a strong future, every parent wants to enroll their child in the best school. It is commonly seen that public schools are not providing great quality of education and that is the reason why people head towards private schools. Lack of funds and poor administration is the biggest problem of public schools. However, the condition is not same in every country. We need to do thorough research and visit several schools before picking up the best for our kids. Here are some of the factors that make a great school:

Strong Teachers Support

No matter which grade is it, a strong support by the teacher makes a real difference in the classroom. Children often feel scared and lonely when they do not find someone who cares. The best schools of the world have an effective test criterion for hiring great teachers. They only have trained teachers who can communicate with every kind of child and resolve their queries. Such schools keep on arranging workshop for teachers for appropriate guidance. Not only the weak students, but good students also need support from their mentors. Encouragement and motivation towards learning are the two essential things that come directly from a teacher.

Use of Latest Technology

Since the use of technology is commonly seen in every field and students need to be aware of its use, good schools keep their prime focus on using latest technology. They know that their students can only compete well in the practical world if they have knowledge about what is going in the technological world. Besides this, with the use of technology, great schools are providing facilities to the students and enable them to grasp things in less time. Whether it is a primary level or a secondary stage, use of technology is commonly seen everywhere in the school if the administration is keeping the educational level up to the mark.

Communication with Parents

Good schools always try to develop and maintain strong relations with the parents. They keep the parents up to date regarding their child’s progress and often conduct meetings if they see any problem with the child’s behavior. Regular e-mails on weekly basis are used in some schools while one on one meeting is conducted once in a month. Some schools also arrange workshops for the parents to let them know the new trends in education so that the child will not face any difficulty in completing his homework. This communication with parents is highly essential if the child is showing inappropriate behavior and is not participating in class activities.


Safe Physical Environment

In order to ensure the overall safety of students, great schools maintain hazard free physical environment. The school buildings and grounds are made in accordance with the state requirements of physical environment of schools. They make sure that the school system can handle any situation in case of emergency. In addition to this, proper check and balance is done in areas of water supply, food supply, lighting and sanitation. Some best schools have a separate committee to look into the physical environment of school as it directly affects the health and safety of students.


Equal Opportunities for Every Student

A great school is the one that provides equal opportunities to every student no matter from which background they belong. There is no difference of caste, color, and creed in the school irrespective of the ones that are religious school and provides both religious and contemporary education. Apart from it, some good schools also provide fee concession to poor students so that they can get the same level of education as other students. Parents should also note that there is no favoritism in the school and every student is given equal opportunities in class participation and other extracurricular activities.

Reliable Administrative Support

Administration is the pillar of any school and only a good administrative system can create a smooth learning environment for students. Parents can see that some well-known schools of the world have discipline in every aspect and all this is possible because of the administration. Resolving staff disputes, attending parents, planning and implementation of policies are all responsibilities of the administration. If the administration department is fair in dealing with the parents, parents can rely on them and solve their queries with them before giving a call to the teacher.

The above mentioned factors are essential for a great school but parents should look at the school from every aspect before the final registration.

Author’s: Alvina Amanda 


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